Social Duties By Buddha

The Duties as shown In Singalovada Sutta
Singalovada Sutta means the discourse preached by the Buddha to a young man named Singala. In this sutta, the Buddha explained the social duties for all human beings and they include the duties of parents, the duties of sons and daughters etc … If one fails to observe these duties one encounters a declination in prosperity in addition to the misfortune of being reborn in woeful abodes after death. If one observes these duties, one enjoys prosperity and high dignity in the present abodes after death. So, all human beings should observe these social duties with due respect and firm conviction. These duties are stated in brief as follows : ---
Five Kinds of Duty for Sons & Daughters
1.      Sons and daughters must attend closely to their parents in order to provide them with all the requisites in life.
2.      They must carry out the social affairs of the business matters of their parents.
3.      They must maintain their parents’ properties, their parents’ nationality, their parents’ religious duties, and try to straighten their parents’ religious view if they have a wrong view. They must also maintain the good name of their parents and their lineage.
4.      They must obey their parents and make themselves worthy of the parents’ heritage.
5.      On their parents’ death they should do good deeds in dedication to them and share the merits with them.
Five Kinds of Duty for Parents
1.      Parents must prevent their sons and daughters from misconduct.
2.      They must show their sons and daughters the way to good conduct.
3.      They must make their sons and daughters learn arts and sciences.
4.      They must give them in marriage to suitable persons.
5.      They must give them their inheritance at the proper time.
Five Kinds of Duty of a Pupil
1.      He must stand up and welcome his teach when he sees the teacher coming.
2.      He must attend upon his teacher.
3.      He must obey the words of the teacher with proper attention and respect.
4.      He must serve his teacher and supply his needs.
5.      He must learn carefully and respectfully what is taught or instructed by his teacher.
Five Kinds of Duty of a Teacher
1.      A teacher must teach his pupils good behavior.
2.      He must impart knowledge to him in such a manner that the pupil may thoroughly grasp the subject.
3.      He must train his pupil without any discrimination.
4.      He must entrust his pupil to a good teacher.
5.      He must protect his pupils from danger.
Five Kinds of Duty of a Husband
1.      A husband must be kind to and adore his wife.
2.      He must not treat his wife in an insolent manner.
3.      He must not engage in sexual misconduct with other women.
4.      He must give her control and authority over domestic matters.
5.      He must provide his wife with clothing and ornaments.
Five Kinds of Duty of a Wife
1.      A wife must arrange chores of the household well and run it smoothly.
2.      She must distribute gifts fairly between her relatives and her husband’s relatives.
3.      She must not engage in sexual misconduct with other men.
4.      She must keep and maintain in an orderly manner all things that are handed over by her husband.
5.      She must be skillful and diligent in all her housework.
Five Kinds of Duty of a Good Friend
1.      A man must give his friends all necessary things as much as possible.
2.      He must speak pleasantly to them.
3.      He must do his best for the benefit of both his friends and himself.
4.      He must treat them as his equal.
5.      He must be true to his words and promises.
Five Kinds of Duty of a Beneficiary
1.      A beneficiary must protect his friend when his friend is inebriated.
2.      He must guard over his friend’s properties when he is inebriated.
3.      He must be a refuge for his friend when the latter is in trouble.
4.      He must not forsake his friend when he is in distress.
5.      He must help the descendants.
Five Kinds of Duty of a Master
1.      A master should make his employees work in accordance with their capability and strength.
2.      He must provide his employees with food and pay them sufficiently.
3.      He must give them medical treatment when they are ill and sick.
4.      On receiving delicious food, he must share it with his employees.
5.      He must allow them to work at appointed times and let them enjoy leisure at other times for rest and relaxation.
Five Kinds of Duty of a Servant
1.      A servant must rise before the master.
2.      He must go to sleep after his master.
3.      He must take only what is given to him by his master.
4.      He must try his best in his master’s work.
5.      He must always speak of the virtues of his master.
Five Kinds of Duty of Laymen
1.      A layman must minister to the Bhikkhus with affection in action.
2.      He must minister to the Bhikkhus with affection in speech.
3.      He must show them affection on thought, wishing them well at all times.
4.      He must always keep his house open to the Bhikkhus.
5.      He must provide them with material requistics.
Six Kinds of Duty of BHikkhus
1.      A Bhikkhu must restrain his lay disciples from doing evil deeds.
2.      He must exhort them to do good deeds.
3.      He must protect them with loving-kindness.
4.      He must preach them what they have never heard before.
5.      He must explain to them what they have already heard before.
6.      He must show them they way to the realm of devas.
Six Kinds of Duty of a Leader
1.      He must be more industries than others.
2.      He must be vigilant in order to lead others.
3.      He must be kind to his subordinates.
4.      He must forebear and forgive others.
5.      He must be considerate and reasonable whatever he does.
6.      He must be wise and foresighted in doing things.

From a Book Called “The Teachings Of the Buddha"
by Ven. Bhikkhu Vidya Nanda

